Everything Weekly Album Stream

The Weekly Classic Album Stream

As one of the first (and one of the only) regular streams with a fixed date The Weekly Classic Album Stream starts every Saturday at 18:00CET for nearly 5 month without a single day off. You can vote for one of ten Albums that can be considered a classic in some way. If you want to see a album you like in the stream, just send me a mail under weeklyalbumstream@gmx.de and it will be considered, but remember: CLASSIC.

The Weekly Album Stream

The Weekly Album Stream startet way after the Weekly Classic Album Stream when i got annoyed by the limits in choice that i gave myself, so i decided to start a new stream at a different time of day to make sure people of other time zones can get the chance to join us as well. Every week on sunday at 12:00CET it's time for The Weekly Album Stream.